
Friday, April 14, 2006

Alright! more than a year later! I post! :D
Last, last Monday we went swimming.
We’re never going back again.
I mean, we were the only ones swimming, me, Liew and Terry! All the rest of the secondary kids were like off for some running thing. Maybe NAPFA. Anyway, the thing is that there were only three of us!
We started late, Chia was more amiable than usual, saying that we’ll only do one hour of swimming.
Wheee. We swam like usual, Liew was bloody fast, Terry was fast and I was still slow. Haha.
Then Chia made us do like sprints and then the dreaded IM! Chia was like fantastic. He KNEW we hadn’t been swimming for more than half a year, and he still put our timing as though it was our peak times! Argh.
So anyway, we were doing some thing to do with erm… breaststroke when
DUN DUN DUUUUN! It happened!
A muscle cramp!
I just splashed in the water and died.
Like what the hell, it hurt so bloody bad! Like I was floundering in the water and yelling because my leg had spasmed and died on me, when this China coach person swam over and pulled me to the water’s edge, made me sit up and proceeded to stretch my muscles.
Like ouch and ouch and much pain. Waaaa.
Then he massaged my baby cow for quite a while because he was saying that my muscle was way too tense and the usual thing. I was sitting by the edge of the pool, muttering curses about how cramps suddenly came…
So then I went back to swim, as all the while Liew and Terry had been swimming breast. Argh. So I continued, just that Chia said I’d do half the distance as my leg was still cramping slightly. So continued at a much slower pace, angsted a little about how slow I was.
Then Chia decided that we should do sprinting as the last bit, for like around 25m which was good and short. We all sprinted, Liew and Terry got to plunge from the block while I started from the water as I had a cramp and Chia said that if I jump, I’ll just spasm in the water and die.
We swam the length, Chia told us our times and then Liew said the most incredible thing!
‘Mr Chia! Cramp!’
That was Chia exclaiming in exasperation.
Then he gave up on us, stretched Liew’s legs and said that there was no point in continuing. (45 minutes into training! Gasp! A new world record!)
We went to bathe at the bathroom and it was big and spacious and for us three only! Yay! Liew and I were blaming Terry, as she's the only one of us still swimming competitively as per say, in her polytechnic. It's good to go back to like the old times. Watching the Liew siblings squabble over the most insignificant things is so amusing.
Then we went home, feeling tired, exhausted and happy, knowing that we’ll probably never come back again. haha
We're considering coming for the National's this year. We've got Shauna now yay!
Also: Terry says that Ben and Jerry’s are offering free ice cream on 25.4.2006! Go eat them!

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